Who should attend?

PwD/Family Member


CSR/ HR Leaders

Policy Maker

Assistive Technology Supplier



You can sign up by filling out this registration form. Once it is completed,you can use that email ID to enter the virtual exhibition using LOGIn button on a mobile app or web browser. You can reach us for any assistance related to registration.
Email - atexhibition@voiceofsap.org
Yes, Once you register, your account will be created on the platform from which you can access the features anytime you want. Create an account on a web browser only but after that you can access exhibition form mobile device and computer both.
Once you register yourself as a visitor, you will be able to access the AT Exhibition, Auditorium and all areas after you login. The exhibition is now open and available 365 days and 24*7 for all the visitors. Once you are on the main page of the platform, you will see the option of visiting the Exhibition area where all the booths are there. You can select the booth you want to visit to start learning about the product, services and start interacting via chat, vdo call etc
Once you visit the booth, you will get links to the brochure of assistive devices offered by the company or supplier. You can interact live via chat, video call and start interacting directly via phone, email with exhibitor
There are booths in the exhibition area to learn more about VOSAP initiatives and take suitable action, participation. Visit the Exhibition area and the booth of VOSAP Initiative to learn more. Certainly you can visit www.voiceofsap.org
VOSAP has Platinum Seal of Transparency, ensuring your donation will help in the best manner to support the VOSAP mission that you want to support. We are US based 501 C 3 non-profit for your tax purposes. You can donate generously - online at https://www.voiceofsap.org/donation/
If you are an Assistive Device manufacturer, service provider, Innovator, investor or VOSAP partner and looking to have a space in our virtual exhibition, we will be glad to attend you and provide the best opportunities. Reach us at - atexhibition@voiceofsap.org
There are various types of Sponsorship opportunities for this event and exhibition, around the year. You can contact us to support VOSAP mission, promote your brand globally and become part of this global platform. For inquiries related to sponsorship, drop an email at atexhibition@voiceofsap.org
Participants and visitors are expected to be from around the world. It includes Persons with Disabilities as consumers of Assistive Devices, innovators, manufacturers from the US, traders from India and other countries, NGO, policy makers etc. like minded people who wants to achieve UN SDGs, inclusion by enabling Specially Abled People
VOSAP has 10,000+ volunteers and more than 20 activities for volunteers to be part of. Please download the VOSAP app to select your volunteering task.
Download IOS, https://apps.apple.com/us/app/voice-of-sap-vosap/id1265835335?ls=1
Download android app, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vosap&hl=en